
FKR3 by Allison James


The psychedelic sequel to a psychedelic swing-em-up! You play as a virus (not a real one, don’t worry) who must fend off antiviruses with a cluster of orbiting trojans. Plenty of improvements all around. Two more enemies, raising the total to six, and the game progresses quicker so more people will see them. As you progress, the game’s tint changes colour, from white to black to maroon to navy blue and ending on a weird mess of colours. I also learnt a new item for the game – writing with a font made from a sprite.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Tendamix, The Prodigital
Fonts: Florencesans



Everyone thought FKR2 was better


Ne Touchez Pas 2 by Allison James


The even more difficult sequel to the difficult “Ne Touchez Pas!”. Starts off easier, though, so is more accessible to newbies.

Flap your bird through increasingly difficult levels. And you see those walls surrounding you? Yeah, do not touch!


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Kevin MacLeod, Peacemaker, Steven Freedom
Fonts: Allison James (Notalot25), Inked God



EverScrollingHue by Allison James


Bizarre game that most will see as eye candy, but is actually a not-bad arcade bullet-hell shooter. An enemy floats around shooting in as many directions as the wave number. You use your stream of bullets to take his down while killing him and protecting yourself. Kill the enemy and he becomes stronger (and you get more points). Keep going until you run out of health, which is shown in large for a second or so when you get shot. Points at top. Controls shown in-game. And, of course, all displayed in lovely sprays of colour (where it gets its name - the hue of all the in-game stuff is constantly changing).


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Allison James
Fonts: Hooked Up 101



Ne Touchez Pas by Allison James


Difficult game! Don’t complain too much because it’s too difficult – that’s on purpose!

After creating NAL’s Jet Pod, I had an urge to create a similar game, but much harder. This is it. 16 levels, in a glorious two-colour palette, in which you play a bird who must flap his way out, avoiding the walls.

Gameplay is inspired by Messhof’s excellent “Flywrench”.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Kevin MacLeod
Fonts: ?



FKR2 by Allison James


The sequel to FKR is here! It’s now more psychedelic, more skilfully made and hopefully less boring than before. Use W, S and Enter to navigate menus, see the help file for more information. Play on BOSSFKR difficulty to get the most out of it!


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Jankenpopp, Vasculoid
Fonts: ?



“Play it to dance to the music, be inspired by the artwork, and to wake yourself up in the morning. You probably won't spend more than a few minutes with it, but I don't think the creator intended you to.” - Mocha Man
“Wow, this game is interesting in a very good way. The music was absolutely amazing!!! I kinda didn't get it at first but you kinda gotta get used to it.” - Davdud101


BITTAPOPT by Allison James


Back in Time To Annihilate People of Past Times. Also known as B.I.T.T.A.P.O.P.T. Your mate just shoved you through a portal – you’re now in an area with some very angry natives. Yay for shooting them in the head! Three types of enemy that come in as your score increases.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Orxata Sound System (Original), Joel Steudler (NAL Is Alive Version)
Fonts: Go Long



Zyousbox by Allison James


Farting about in an unknown place with maximum security is bound to get you killed, right? Right.

Shoot down waves of mysterious security droids, avoid the flame of floorness and survive as long as you can in Zyousbox before you inevitably die.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Hiryu
Fonts: Roadway



Mingitilla by Allison James


You are a sphere in the Mingitilla Arena. Enemies constantly float up from underneath, attach themselves to you and try to attack.

Shoot them! Live as long as you can.

Please note: the Original version of the game is not recommended for people with photosensitivity due to my baffling 2008 decision to make the main menu flash intensely. The NAL Is Alive version (as well as being high resolution anyway) is far friendlier.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Grave Beholders (Original), Joel Steudler (NAL Is Alive Version)
Fonts: Eurostile



Rockit by Allison James


A young chap has stumbled upon a box containing a number of nuclear warheads. Guide your rocket through a series of tunnels under varying environments with the end aim of blowing up the hated, noise-polluting Rockit Music Festival.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: ?
Fonts: GamecubeN



“I like it. quick, fun, and simple :)” - Alex Ramallo
”Fun stuff. Nice music, and cool aesthetics.” - Blue


Japanese Infomercial by Allison James


This very old game from making Japan of! 2007-san!

We make buy product for washing of dishes in household of speaking-English countries, promote game so fat teenagers enjoy informative commercial! Then happy teens enjoy washing dishes and mothers watching more Japanese quiz shows yes!

Manolo Camp making music! You like!

Free promote game, you like so much you buy bulk of product for household goods and we not go bankrupt!


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Manolo Camp (Original)
Fonts: Gang of Three



“Hahahaha” - Bugaham Games


Fustercluck by Allison James


Fustercluck (a spoonerism of a nice little word, also the name of the track used in the game) is an arcade game released towards the end of 2007 that was my first proper foray into GameMaker Language over Drag ‘n’ Drop. Maybe 50% of the game was written in code rather than done with D&D.

The game features an “overheat” mechanic on the on-rails gun, colour generation, custom highscore saving, and actually quite a few concepts that were new to this game and featured prominently in my future ones.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Fugue State
Fonts: Invasion2000



Cutting Run by Allison James


Cutting Run! uses an original control method to make its jump/duck/shoot action more interesting. To jump, you have to move your mouse up. To duck, you move it down. To shoot, you move it right. There is one level, in which you must dodge crates for as long as possible. Some cannot be dodged and must be shot through. Your final score is the number of seconds you survived between the game start and losing three lives.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: MIDI
Fonts: Modern



Supermoves by Allison James


Your planet is getting attacked from both ends! Keep down the waves of enemy ships on both sides of the planet before they bring it to extinction.

Supermoves is a simple game to play that was designed to be played on my sixth form interactive whiteboard of the time. Worked quite nicely, although tiring!


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: MIDI
Fonts: ?



Morocco by Allison James


A minigame made for a contest. Control a helpless little robot as it struggles to stop a horde of aliens from taking over the ship.

Bonus: If you manage to reach 100,000 points, your rate of fire increases, you get a health top-up and the number of enemies on screen at once doubles.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: MIDI
Fonts: Rockwell



R!dicule 3 by Allison James


R!dicule 3 is a game which fuses Breakout with platforming. You have to guide the ball to the finish in five progressive levels, using only your bat. Along the way you'll be able to hit blocks which alter your points, serve as trampolines, or fire a ring of bullets which activate any point blocks they hit.

You can choose to finish after any level and store your score. This is because, as levels get harder, you're more likely to lose them.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: MIDI
Fonts: Go Long



R!dicule 2 by Allison James


R!dicule 2 is a game which fuses Breakout with platforming. You have to guide the ball to the finish, using only your bat. Along the way you'll be able to hit blocks which alter your points, serve as trampolines, or fire a ring of bullets which activate any point blocks they hit.

Finish the level to bank your score.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: MIDI
Fonts: Go Long

