Dynapogo by Allison James


Created in around eight working hours. Blow up the word with your dynamite-equipped pogo stick, and go for the longest distance you can before dying at the hands of the disaster-struck, lava-flooded, due-for-distruction city of... uh... Dynaster.

When the sun turns orange, it's a new best survival distance! Thank-you for being QA for this game, you are in the credits with the best distance noted! (This was a workaround to the handicap of the jam being “No in-game text besides credits.)

Use your mouse to point the pogo stick where you want to bounce. Click to add up to three levels of explosive power (resets to 1 each time you bounce off something).

Dynapogo was entered into GMC Jam #8, where it came 5th.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Xstatik
Fonts: Allison James (Gnome Splinters, Notalot35)



“Dyyyynaaaapohgoh. Very difficult but fun, with an obvious hint of classic NAL zaniness.“ - Dan Johnston
“Dyna- po – go. Dyna- po – go. Dyna- po – go. Dyna- po – go. What I remember the most from this game is the word “Dyna- po – go”. Nice little game.“ - HayManMarc
”Very unique game! I didn't like it too much at first, but I just couldn't stop. Now I think I'm addicted. Great job!” - RekNepZ
”Great graphics, gameplay, everything! It is all great. Honestly it looks like you spent more than just 72 hours with this game.. It's that good! Bravo! This is actually one of the best Jam games I have had the pleasure of playing.” - Mr. RPG
”Very good entry! I really like physics-based games. This one is no exception. The game is hard to master, because it feels very unpredictable.” - Venomous
”"Dynapogo" doesn't get old, I like the use of physics and the sun in the background. I give it 4 out of 5 seizures” - StallionTG
”I can see this being a successful mobile title. It is a simple concept, and it is extremely polished.” - lukew23
”Ack, this is challenging. A very well-designed, addictive game.” - Mercerenies
”The physics were very well done. All those blocks flying around made the game kinda crazy when combined with the music and trippy graphics.” - TheUltimate
“Liked the way she worked around the text restrictions & still explained stuff.” - dadio
”Very cool game.” - holgersson1988
”Very stylistic.” - GameRoom
”Interesting concept for a game” - mads2194
”Pogosticks + dynamite sticks... how more creative can ya get. Hey, who knows... this may be the transportation of the future.” - Hgameguy
”Funny and absurd little game!” - TheSnidr
”Were the spikes on the side really necessary?” - Dangerous_Dave


Overly Attracted Stalkers by Allison James


Inspired by Slender and the Overly Attached Girlfriend internet meme, this is the amalgamation: Overly Attracted Stalkers.

They're after your love and they won't stop until they get it.

WASD: Move
Mouse: Look
Space: Jump


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: None
Fonts: Allison James (Moist), other



“I can now sleep in the comfort of all lights in my house constantly on.” - MrKirbeh
“You kids and your fetishes.” - Link3000


Aardvark Cwm by Allison James


Take Nergar the Icelandic Aardvark through the Welsh valleys, solving people’s problems.

This was an entry into GMC Jam #6, where it came joint last. I did, however, win Best Devlog. Since the GameMaker Community that #6 was held on is gone as of December 2019, here it is for your benefit:

01:08 Started game!
01:25 Wondered if maybe I should sleep before continuing...
01:32 Still wondering. Still drawing things.
01:52 Title screen made. Bed heavily required.
01:59 I'm going to wake up and wonder what the hell I was thinking. I'll roll with it anyway.
02:00 1/72 hours elapsed. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep nowwwwww
05:00 (approx) Dreamt about turtles
11:00 Woke up
11:30 Started font for game
12:00 Skype call with parents. 80 minutes long!
14:00 Finished the font
14:28 Basic dialogue popups made for game. See new screenshot!
14:32 Listened to El Chombo: Chacarron. Inspirational
14:35 Now ELO: Mr Blue Sky. That synth bit should be the whole song, screw the singing
14:51 First mission complete. Dadio makes a cameo
14:59 Added cameo from '90s Britcom "Bottom"
15:38 Proper actual mission system in
15:40 Achievement system in. Just Ctrl-C+Ved the mission system
15:53 Hot policewoman added
15:59 Mission 2 added. The bush has eyes for a reason.
16:32 Some achievements added. Pretty arbitrary stuff
16:52 Game now contains a third mission. It centres around an aardvark in a bikini
17:02 Added the fifth achievement.
17:04 Went into the living room to intimidate Nocturne with my game's content so far
17:09 BBQ-flavour Llama Baked Bites. Tasty
20:40 Found some lovely background music by band Snack Hour on Soundclick
20:59 Finished! Six missions, 10 achievements. Also has speedrun tracking


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Snack Hour
Fonts: Allison James (Aardvark Cwm Type)



“Strangely addicting game, I liked it.“ - CaptainLepidus
”The funny awesome one” - TheUltimate
”This was actually fairly entertaining. A lot of the humour is pretty ridiculous though, and much of it I just don't get.” - fyaopo
”This one is great if you're looking for a good laugh.” - brighteyes
“The text seems to be filled with British inside jokes that don't make any sense to someone like me.“ - RekNepZ
“I really am not sure how I got some of the achievements, but I got them.” - Follomania
”Figured I'd get this one out of the way first since it looked a bit offensive.” - Spydog
”I ended up just walking around apparently solving problems that I didn't know I had.” - Rusty
”The game was funny, vulgar, self-referential, oddly drawn, and reeking of low effort.” - speedchuck
”You're a terrible person. I am too, so I had a couple of chuckles.” - Zeddy
”*reads warning* "Oh it can't be THAT offensive..." *plays game for a minute* "..." *chucks truckload of bricks at NAL*” - 11clock


The Dark Gyration by Allison James


Made to experiment with surfaces and particles together heavily. It’s all just a bit spinny really…

Avoid the dark areas, keep in colourful areas, and splooge a bit of green around the place for safety but also score loss!


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: Jassummisko
Fonts: Allison James (Dubbingstar)



“Review” - Reviewer


Hallucinogun by Allison James


Corrupted by a facade of health, wealth and society, you are out to assassinate the figments of your imagination! You are a victim of Hallucinogun: you’re hallucinating, and you have a gun!

Yes, that’s the best pun I could come up with! Deal with it!

Hallucinogun was an entry into GMC Jam #5, where it placed 28th.


System: Windows
Price: Free
Music: DJ Ben MC
Fonts: Allison James (Metal Arhythmetic)



“really nice abstract graphics” - Rusty
”The graphics and music were nice, and the game itself was pretty fun!” - RekNepZ
”This is a good game , i like the silly graphics :)” - Ahmed Elyamani
”I don't know what the point of the game was, really.” - HayManMarc
